Hilda Met Jesus In Person Today

My beautiful sweetheart, Hilda, passed peacefully into the presence of our Lord Jesus today at 3:40 pm. Hilda was surrounded by family and friends, and spent her last minutes on this earth giving her love and attention to her mother, her son and her husband.

My heart is filled with God’s peace, as well as many sessions of tears, thanking God for Hilda, and thinking about how much Daniel and I will miss her love and closeness.

Thank you to our friends and family for reaching out, visiting, sending Facebook messages and emails, in which you share your loving and caring thoughts about Hilda, and your care toward Daniel and me. God is upholding us, even as Hilda is rejoicing in the presence of Jesus, without any more pain or tears.

Hilda, we will see you again soon. Jesus is the only “way” to the Father, and we believe in Jesus and trust Him to bring us to our eternal destination of Heaven. Hilda, you are there already today, and we will join you someday soon.

Your devoted husband,


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