Praying in the Name of Jesus

As the return of our Lord Jesus Christ draws nearer, I want to walk in the authority God has given to us who believe and follow Him. Like many Christians, I limit what God has given me the authority to do, mostly because I don’t understand the power that resides in the name of my Saviour and King, the Name of Jesus.

There is power in the Name of Jesus to save people from sin, heal from sickness, and deliver from the oppression of mental illness and bondage to habits. God has given us the authority to use the Name of Jesus.

It is Jesus’ name, not our own ability, that delivers someone, heals someone, or opens their heart to accept Jesus as their Saviour.

Did you know that Jesus said we could use His Name in prayer? He said that we could use His Name in dealing with demons, and in praying for healing. Jesus’ ability to heal, save and deliver is invested in His Name, and the use and authority of His Name has been given to us who believe in Him. Jesus name is more valuable and powerful than we can imagine, and Jesus has given us the unqualified use of His Name!

Jesus said, in regard to the use of His Name in prayer:

“You haven’t tried this before, but begin now. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow.” (John 16:24 TLB)

Jesus was speaking here to His disciples. When they prayed, they had not asked in His name. Now He was speaking to them of a “new day,” telling them to ask in His Name, and they would receive, so that their joy might overflow.

Jesus’ Special Attention to Our Prayers

Jesus not only gives us the use of His Name, but declares that the prayer prayed in His Name will receive His special attention.

“At that time (which is now, since Jesus died, rose from the dead, and is in Heaven with His Father) you won’t need to ask me for anything, for you can go directly to the Father and ask him, and he will give you what you ask for because you use my name.” (John 16:23 TLB)

As Jesus’ followers, Jesus is telling you and me, “Ask the Father in my Name—I will endorse it—and the Father will give it to you.” What an amazing prayer promise.

Can we Nullify Our Prayers?

I do not understand all that Jesus said or all that He has done for me, but I want to know Him more. I believe too often, I have watered down the promises of God. Do you feel that way as well? Often we tack this line onto our prayers, which is something Jesus did not teach. We have prayed for a specific need, whether it’s healing, help with finances, help in a relationship, caring for family, or any other need… then, after the prayer, added onto it at the end, “if it is your will, God.” We’ve thought, maybe it’s not God’s will to heal me, or to help me in the way I’ve just prayed.

You don’t find that kind of talk in the New Testament. People have not received answers to prayers thinking, “That prayer must not have been God’s will because He didn’t answer it. If it had been God’s will, He would have done it.”

I’m still learning and growing in my walk with Jesus, so what I’m sharing is what I’m wanting to grow in more and apply to my prayers.

When it comes to praying about someone else, there free will is involved in the situation. Nobody, through prayer and faith can push something off on someone else which that person does not want. God has given us all free will. If I could I would “push” salvation (accepting Jesus as Saviour) off on everyone, wouldn’t you?

In praying for the needs of others, their will is involved. Their doubt or disagreement with my prayers, can nullify the effects of my faith. However, in our prayers for our own needs, another person’s unbelief cannot affect our prayers.

God Knows What Is Best For Us, But, He Wants Us To Ask In Jesus Name

Sometimes our prayers are not for our best or in God’s plan, and the Father will say “No.” That happened to the Apostle Paul, when he wanted to spread the good news of Jesus into Asia. God said “No” by the Holy Spirit, and Paul was led to go to Europe instead. Later other disciples brought the gospel to Asia, including Thomas, who history confirms spread the good news of Jesus to India.

Sometimes our prayers are “Yes” but also require us to “wait a while.” Paul was told through the Holy Spirit that he would go to Rome. That took several years of imprisonment before it happened for Paul. In Rome, Paul had a hearing with evil Nero, who ruled as Caesar over the known world, and Paul shared the good news of Jesus with Nero.

Before I was married, God gave me the promise that I would be married to Hilda. We were in love, but had to wait patiently, to allow circumstances to come together, and to save enough money to pay for the wedding Hilda and I had planned. About 16 months after God gave me His assurance and the need for me to wait patiently, He allowed us a wonderful wedding and 40 years of happy and blessed marriage together. THANK YOU GOD!

Here was God’s promise to me, 42 years ago, and which He promised to me again, from Hebrews 10, …

35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (to be with Jesus and Hilda forever).

Now that Hilda has joined Jesus in Heaven, Jesus spoke to me in the night. He told me the same verses from the Bible which I held onto as a promise that Hilda and I would be married – these verses now apply to me patiently waiting for Hilda, and doing the will of God, and I to be re-united forever in Heaven with Jesus. Jesus said it was a special “Love Gift” for us. He had asked Hilda if she wanted to be with me forever, and she said “Yes.” Now Jesus was asking me if I wanted to be with Hilda forever, and I said “Yes.” Then He told me that because we love each other and were faithful to each other on Earth, He was giving us one another as His “Love Gift.” Where Hilda was there I would be also, and where I was there Hilda would be also. THANK YOU GOD!

Jesus said the same thing to His disciples in John 14:1-3 (NKJV)…

1 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

A person can be a good Christian, and still not get the job done when it comes to answered prayer. We cannot come to God bragging about our own goodness when we pray. Answered prayer is not based on our goodness. It’s all about Jesus and what He did for us.

There is Power in the Name of Jesus

I still don’t understand it all, but I’m realizing the power of the Name of Jesus. I want to pray in the Name of Jesus, and have Jesus bring my prayers to His Heavenly Father. Jesus told us to ask the Father in Jesus’ Name when we pray. He will endorse the prayer and the Father will give it to us.

Dr. E. W. Kenyon, preacher and author wrote in his book, “The Wonderful Name of Jesus”…

“As we take our privileges, and rights, in the New Covenant (which applies to those who believe in Jesus as their Saviour), and pray in Jesus’ Name, it passes out of our hands and into the hands of Jesus. He then assumes the responsibility of that prayer, and we know that He said, “Father, I thank You that You hear Me, and I know that You hear Me always.”

In other words, we know that the Father always hears Jesus, and when we pray in Jesus’ Name, it is as though Jesus Himself were doing the praying—He takes our place.

When we pray, we take Jesus’ place here to carry out His will, and He takes our place before the Father.”

Dear God, as we pray in the Name of Jesus, our Saviour, Lord and King, we thank You that You always hear Your Son, Jesus. Jesus, thank You for giving us the authority to pray in your Name. Help me and my friends reading this to come to the Father with our requests and needs in Your Mighty Name Jesus. Amen.

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