The Greatest Gift Ever!

For the past several months, my love for Jesus and other people has been continually growing. The Holy Spirit has become my friend, teacher, helper and comforter, more and more deeply. Who is the Holy Spirit? He is “Jesus Without Limits.” He is sent to us at Jesus request by God the Father, when we are “Born Again.” I’ll post more about the Holy Spirit in the coming days on Facebook.

Jesus changed Hilda’s life and my life and wants to offer new life to you as well.

Jesus became my Saviour when I believed that He is the Son of God. I asked Him to forgive all of my sins, and come live in my heart. My beautiful sweetheart, Hilda, made this decision as a young girl at Stone Church in Toronto. I made this decision at age 17, on July 26, 1974 at Kitchener Gospel Temple.

When we asked Jesus into our heart, the blood Jesus poured out when He was nailed to the cross, covered us and paid for all of our sins. His sacrifice as God’s perfect Son set us free from the punishment we deserved for our sins. Hilda became a daughter of God, and I became a son of God. We were adopted into the family of God with Jesus, our Superhero, God’s own son, becoming our older brother.

God no longer sees Hilda and me as sinners who deserve hell, but as His own children. God loves us now, like a wonderful Father.

If you have never believed in Jesus as the Son of God, who died to save you from eternal punishment, ask Him today to come into your heart, forgive your sins and be your Saviour. It’s not how good a person you are or have been that gets you into Heaven, where Hilda is. It’s about Jesus’ free gift of eternal life by becoming part of God’s family.

Jesus said…

“I tell you the truth, unless you are born again,
you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)

There is no other way to Heaven. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who loves you and wants you to be in Heaven with Him. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins today. Believe in Jesus to save you. It’s a free gift from God. It’s called Salvation. Just talk to God. His Holy Spirit will be right there with you in your room when you ask Jesus to come into your heart.

You can begin a new life as a child of God today, ready for eternity when you have finished your life on earth. That could be at any time, even today, so don’t wait to ask Jesus into your heart. Hilda had to do this and did. I had to do this and did. You will be accepted into God’s family because of what Jesus our Saviour, our Superhero, did on the cross. You will also live with Jesus and His family in Heaven forever, just as Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days and is in Heaven now with His Father, God.

Here are some more promises Jesus makes to us:

“He who believes in the Son (Jesus) has everlasting life;
and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life,
but the wrath (anger because your sins) of God (the Father)
abides on him.” (John 3:36 – brackets mine).

God loves you and does not want you to be punished in hell for eternity. That is why He sent His only Son, Jesus to die in your place. To take your punishment, and give you eternal life with Him.

Jesus said,

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

If you think you’re not good enough to be forgiven, that’s not the case at all. There was a thief, who was a robber and murderer. He was crucified next to Jesus. Just before he died, He asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus forgave his sins and told him, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” The thief had no time to do good works to earn Heaven. He died that day, but was forgiven by merely asking Jesus to remember him. Be encouraged by this promise…

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me,
and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37)

If you would like to experience New Birth into God’s Family, it’s not hard. It’s a free gift from God. Just talk to Jesus. Ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart. He will change your life today! Don’t delay, do it while God’s Holy Spirit is nudging you. It’s the best decision you will ever make!

Please contact me if you would like us to pray with you to receive Jesus into your heart.


Your friend,


3 thoughts on “The Greatest Gift Ever!”

  1. The story abave is very vital because there is salvation in it and i thank God for Hilda`s life in christ Jesus and brother Harold if they didn’t accept jesus as their lord and savior we wouldn’t have gotten a chance to read this true word of God from experience of his great servants. This is the true love of God brother Harold and that love we seen it through the word of God you always share and that word is God.

  2. Thank you brother Harold for always blessing us with the word of God, it has built our life of faith in Christ Jesus. May God always bless you and all your family members.

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