A Royal Mission – Lost?

Did you know Jesus could not heal the sick? He could not help people who were bothered by the devil, either. You might say, “No way, Jesus did all those things. The Bible says so!”

This is what Jesus said about Himself in John 5:19, “The Son can do nothing by himself. He sees what the Father does, and he can do only those same things. What the Father does, the Son also does.” (EASY).

Jesus did not bring any special powers with Him when He came to Earth. Even though Jesus was 100 percent God, He chose to live on Earth as a regular person just like you. Why would He do that?

Because Jesus loves you.

Jesus did many miracles; but He did them as a person who was very close to His Heavenly Father. If Jesus did all those miracles as God, then you could not do them, because you are just a person. But because Jesus as a person healed the sick, raised the dead, and helped people bothered by the devil, then you can too!

As a person, what was so special about Jesus?

Jesus had no sin, so He was very close to His Heavenly Father. Jesus knew He needed help. He needed the special power of God, the Holy Spirit.

So, what about you?

If you have Jesus in heart, your sins have been forgiven. You are very close to your Father God. When Jesus died on the cross, the power of sin was broken—forever! Jesus’ blood has washed you and made your heart clean. When God looks at you, He actually sees His Son, Jesus. Nothing can keep you away from your Heavenly Father—nothing!

And… you can have God’s special power in your life.

A Great Battle Took Place in Heaven Long Ago

God had a plan for His Kingdom to cover the Earth, but there was an enemy who wanted to stop Him from doing it. The Bible says that millions of angels and other creatures worship God at His throne in Heaven. (Revelation 5:11)

Lucifer was once the most beautiful angel God created. It was his job to lead all the worship in Heaven. But then something very bad happened. Pride came into lucifer. He became jealous of God getting all the praise and worship. He thought he should be worshipped instead of God. Lucifer tried to take God’s place on the throne. He gathered one-third of all the angels in Heaven and led them into battle against God.

What do you think the battle was like? Was it like a terrible thunderstorm along with a big Earthquake that shook everything?

Lucifer and his angels were beaten badly. They were cast out of Heaven and fell to Earth. On Earth they now roam to this day. Lucifer’s name was changed to satan (the devil), and his angels are known as demons.

In a split second, God could have destroyed the devil and his demons, but God chose to defeat the darkness of satan, sin and death in the Earth another way.

The Father’s Plan

When God created Adam and Eve, He put them in a very special place called the Garden of Eden. There was no pain, sickness or sadness in the Garden. There was nothing to be afraid of. It was full of joy, beauty, peace and God’s presence. It was like Heaven on Earth!

Adam and Eve were made in God’s image. That means they could have fun with God, enjoy His love, and love Him. Adam and Eve had a spirit in them that would never die. They could live with God forever and ever. Being made in God’s image also meant that they were given authority. God gave them the power to rule over the Earth. With this power and authority, God gave Adam and Eve something special to do. They were to have children who would love God too. With this love, they would spread the Heavenly Father’s Kingdom of joy and peace all over the Earth.

Keys of Power and Authority Were Lost

More than anything, satan wanted what Adam and Eve had—the “keys” of power and authority over the Earth. If he had those keys, he could rule planet Earth, and everybody would have to worship him. How would satan do it? He could not invade the Garden of Eden and just take the keys. He had no power. He came up with a plan to trick Adam and Eve.

Satan came slithering into the Garden of Eden as a sneaky snake. He found Eve by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He lied to Eve and told her she would be like God and not die if she ate the fruit from the tree. God did not want Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil. He loved them and only wanted them to know about His goodness and love. God wanted to protect them from knowing about evil things.

But Eve believed the snake’s lie. She and Adam agreed with the devil, and disobeyed God. They ate the fruit. In one second it was done! Adam and Eve had given away the keys of authority over the Earth to the enemy. The devil now had the power to steal, kill, and destroy all that God had created on Earth.

Because Adam and Eve chose to do wrong, they were now slaves. They would not rule over the Earth. They would not spread God’s Kingdom of love and goodness. Adam and Eve were under the authority and power of the devil. Sin now separated them from their Father. It was a terrible day.

Was everything lost? Was there any hope?

This is Part 3 in a series called “Here Comes Heaven,” and is based on a book with the same title, written by Bill Johnson and Mike Seth. Stay tuned for Part 4 coming soon.





1 thought on “A Royal Mission – Lost?”

  1. Arthur G Schnell

    Dear Harold. I like a lot of what I read. However I would like to compare Notes with you. I can tell that you are seeking to have people understand the purpose of life, which is good. May the Lord guide you in this. With Love, your Dad. Be aware, that you are touching the Devils territory, and he won’t like it. His plans are not God’s plans.

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