For many years Hilda has treasured this little girl figurine piggy bank and brought it from one home to the next. Somewhere along the way it was knocked down. Hilda carefully reset and glued the broken pieces around the cute girl’s blonde hair and continued to display it proudly in each home. It actually looks to me like a cute cartoon version of Hilda as a girl, and I would not want to part with it.
The little girl bank is now flawed. It’s no longer perfect, and does not have much monetary value. I value her because it reminds me of my precious sweetheart, Hilda.
Like the little girl bank, I too am broken. I realize I am imperfect. I’ve been chipped and broken. In fact, we are all broken. We are all flawed. But we are still of value, because Someone values us. That Someone is God. He values us and places us in a position of honour, like this little girl bank, on our window ledge. God continually honours us by the way He treats us. Even though we are flawed and broken, God’s heart is fixed on us. He loves us.
God Loves You When You Are Broken
My friends, we are the reason God grew a tree that became a cross for His Son, Jesus. We are so valuable to Him that He is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) Even though we are broken and flawed, God does not give up on us, or toss us away. God is constantly looking at us with love. His eyes have always been on us.
My friend, no matter how many miles you have travelled in life’s journey, His eyes have seen every step. Even when darkness surrounds you, like it seems to surround me at times, know that there is a God who sees you, and is waiting for you to reach out to Him. Just talk to Him in prayer. Pour out your broken heart to Him, and expect Him to pour His love back into you, to tell you that you are valued by Him. Jesus died for you, because you are valuable to God. Ask Jesus to come into your heart today, and watch God put the broken pieces of your life back together. I’m letting Him repair my broken heart, that is missing Hilda.