Thousands Of Notes & Cards

My sweetheart treasure, Hilda, had been dreaming and planning with me to start a blog about life, friends, and living for Jesus, with the goal of encouragement as we do life and sharing God’s love with everyone.

My retirement last fall seemed to provide the time to help Hilda and I get this blog underway. We thought about a website, but decided to begin by having Hilda post on Facebook, since many friends of hers were already using it.

When Hilda suddenly became too ill to begin her blog, we waited until she felt stronger and healthier. Well, today she is strong, healthy, young again, full of life, and very likely writing stories and articles that we will read someday, but she is in Heaven with Jesus.

I was thinking about how she had edited many hundreds of magazine articles, many books and actually done so little writing, although she had so many ideas and dreams to do so. The Lord comforted me with this amazing thought…

Hilda had written many thousands of personal notes of encouragement over her lifetime and sent thousands of cards of love to hundreds of people, some of whom are reading this post right now.

She shared from her heart and she shared the love of Jesus with a great multitude of people, in a way that touched them far more intimately than any book or magazine article could ever do. She as a writer, was used in a unique way by God to inspire and nurture her friends and family in some way almost every day.

As her devoted husband and admirer, I had offered to collaborate on her blog, mainly with artwork. I believe Hilda’s life and her heart for Jesus and people can continue to bless, so I am honoured to share, what I believe God is putting on my heart, from Hilda’s writings, thoughts and perspectives.

I strongly believe that Hilda is taking time to write in Heaven. No more dishes, laundry, cleaning, editing jobs, – just time with Jesus in her mansion with friends, doing her favourite things, and waiting for us to join her… TEARS, TEARS.

So when you see a blog post on my Art Spark Facebook page or, it may be about or from Hilda to glorify her precious Jesus and mine, and share His love for YOU!

Hilda chose the title “Splendour In The Stump” for her blog, feeling that even when something like a tree stump appears dead, God can cause new life to grow from what looked barren. God does things like that!

Now I’m calling it “Treasures Magazine,” because it’s about and for King Jesus, who offers each of us many “treasures” as we invite Him into our lives. Hilda did that, and her life, lived for King Jesus, continues to bear precious good fruit for His Kingdom in the lives of those she has impacted. She is enjoying her rewards in Heaven, and we can look forward to the day we will be together with Hilda again forever.

I hope you open your heart even more to the love God has for You, and the treasures in this life that He wants to give you, thanks to King Jesus. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Thousands Of Notes & Cards”

  1. Anita TenBruggencate

    Harold- It is wonderful that you continue sharing Jesus through your writings, drawings and paintings, and shared paint nights. Thank you for doing this. I look forward to reading more from treasures magazine. Thank you

    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment, dear friend Anita. Your love for Jesus and others is wonderful. It’s great to have you join us for the painting classes. God loves you so much.

  2. Thank you for sharing about your love for King Jesus and the way that relationship impacts your life on a daily basis. God has given you a wonderful gift of sharing about Jesus with your beautiful art, and your words. Thank you also for sharing about Hilda and her love for Jesus and the impact that she had on other people. God bless you and guide you as you continue to honor Him through treasures magazine.

    1. Hi Janet,

      Thank you so much for your kind comments. I see your love for King Jesus when you attend art classes, and it makes me happy. May the Lord bless you for all of your kindness and continue to make you a light to those around you.

      Your friend,

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