Jesus Gave Dan a New Life!

My wonderful friend, Dan, shared this on Facebook yesterday. I have witnessed some of his transformation into a greatly loved, mighty man of God…

“It was 27 years ago on a Sunday evening that I sat alone with God and made a deal with Him. I told Him that if He would prove Himself to me, I would give myself to Him. June 16, 1996, was the last day of my old life. God proved Himself to me and I was reborn and a whole new me was created! Of course, I still reside in the same body my old self once used and the memories he had are still there. There is a fight between myself and this body. It wants me to own the memories and to allow it back to the things it used to do. That is not me and I do not wish to do the things the former Dan once did.

Life has changed much for me over the past 27 years. There have been many ups and downs but God has ALWAYS brought me through. I have messed up more times than I can count because my flesh managed to convince me of something stupid, but again God has ALWAYS brought me back to the realization of who I am in Him. I would not trade what I have now for anything. My lowest times now are far better than my highest times before. There is a peace within me that supersedes anything that’s ever come my way. Regardless of the situation, I know I’m free and that this (the situation) too will pass.

Thank you Jesus for giving me new life. I am thankful every day, but today I am especially grateful for the last 27 years and am eagerly looking forward to more of my eternal life with You and all that You have planned for me. I will never turn back because Life with You is all I want. I love You Jesus and I always will. I promised You me and that promise still stands.”

Thank you, Dan, for allowing me to share a tiny fraction of your story. My sweetheart, Hilda, was used by God in bringing Dan and his beautiful wife Alison together in marriage. YAY GOD. WTG Hilda!

Dan Sibley is a lover of Jesus and people, and is greatly loved by God and many others. Wonderful husband to Alison, father to 5, with grandkids growing in number and size. Dan has a Facebook blog – “Something to Think About” which I would recommend Facebook users to search for and follow Dan’s blogs. He shares what Holy Spirit gives him, to point people to Jesus.

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