Wonderful Name of Jesus

Jesus’ Name Was Given By God

God sent the angel Gabriel to tell a virgin named Mary, she would have a son, and to call her son, Jesus. The name “Jesus” means “Saviour,” for “He will save His people from their sins.”

This precious child will someday rule the world forever, and be called the Son of God. He will save us too, if we let Him. (Luke 1:26-38 TLB)

Mary Shared Gabriel’s News of Jesus’ With Joseph

After the birth of Elisabeth’s son, John, Mary returned to Nazareth, where her fiance Joseph was waiting eagerly for her. What stories she had to tell him! There was Gabriel’s visit to Zacharias, Elisabeth’s surprise at getting a baby, and how John got his name.

Mary’s most thrilling news of all though, was the angel Gabriel’s strange message she received herself.

As Joseph listened to her story he became very worried. He didn’t know what to make of it. Is seemed so unusual he could hardly believe it. Was Mary telling him the truth? Had she really seen an angel? Would her baby be the Son of God and the King of Israel?

God knew Joseph’s troubled thoughts. That night, God sent Gabriel to speak to Joseph in a dream. Gabriel told him that he didn’t need to worry. What happened to Mary was all part of God’s plan. In the dream Gabriel told Joseph, “Mary shall have a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

When Joseph woke up the next morning, I’m sure he told Mary all about his dream. He was excited to share that Gabriel had spoken with him too. He assured Mary that he now believed her story was true, and that they would call the baby, Jesus.

The Meaning Of The Name Of Jesus

Even though there was noone of their relatives with that name, it had a very special meaning. Saviour. This child, Gabriel said, would save his people from their sins.

Most of the Jewish people of that time were hoping someone would save them from the Romans who ruled over them. The cruel Roman soldiers, and mean, unfair tax collectors made life difficult for their people. They never thought the Messiah would be a person who would save them from their sins. How would that help?

God’s precious secret was that this baby boy was the one God had promised Adam and Eve, would break the power of satan and crush satan’s head. He would help people stop doing wrong. The Messiah would make people good and true, and lead them to God’s Kingdom. He would restore what satan had taken away, and bring people back into relationship with God.

Jesus Name Gives Hope To Our World

Every time anyone would call the Messiah by this name, Jesus, they would think of Him as a Saviour. It would remind people that Jesus is able and willing to save them from the worst of sins. People of all nations would think of Jesus as the One who would help them in every time of need.

The name of Jesus brings hope to the hopeless, and joy to the sad, throughout the Earth, and for all time. No wonder the prophet Isaiah said that “His name shall be called Wonderful.” It is the most wonderful name anyone was ever given.

More than two thousand years have passed since Gabriel spoke these words to Joseph, and they still mean as much and more today. Jesus name brightens every day, with His message, “I’m here to save you and to save everybody who will let Me.” That includes you and me as well. Jesus came to save us from all our sins.

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