Hilda, you, Jesus and Daniel are the loves of my life. You are the greatest gift from God after salvation. Daniel, Elaine and me will see you in Heaven someday soon. Thank you, God, for many years of joy with Hilda, and for blessing me with this beautiful, loving, caring treasure.
The Bible says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Jesus, You and Hilda are my greatest treasures. If you are both in Heaven, that’s where my heart will be. Daniel, I love you so much, and we will have each other here.
Hilda, more than anyone I’ve met, truly demonstrated what Jesus said were the 2 greatest commandments. To love God with all your heart, and to love others as you love yourself. Hilda’s capacity to love and care for others was her greatest attribute, and I learned so much from her.
Hilda, you are still here beside me as I type, but the nurses are telling me today you will join with your best friend and Saviour, King Jesus. What a happy prospect for you. No more pain, suffering, tears, only joy, beauty and being in God’s presence. I will join you someday soon.
Precious family and friends, if we believe in Jesus and choose to make Him our Saviour, and accept Him as God’s Son who died for our sins on the cross, we will have HOPE in this life. We will be with our loved ones who belong to Jesus in Heaven for eternity. Be ready for eternity, you never know how much time you have left.