My precious sweetheart Hilda, spent her last hours at Lisaard House in Cambridge. Tuesday, late afternoon she arrived by ambulance with her beautiful friend Alison, who stayed with her overnight at Juravinski Hospital and joined her in the ambulance to Lisaard House. Thank you Alison and Dan, who picked her up.
That evening family and friends came to visit Hilda. Hilda was able to speak to them, recognizing and loving each person. She has the best memory for people’s names I have ever known. Hilda sang worship songs to Jesus with us, we prayed together, we reminisced, cried and loved her.
Through the night, I was privileged to watch over Hilda, feed her some turkey soup broth, and lots of ice chips, holding her hands, bringing cold cloths for her forehead and speaking to my beauty, with lots of prayers and tears.
The following day was very memorable. After spending the night with Hilda, many family and friends came to visit Hilda, although she was not able to speak. She heard our words and was aware of those in the room. At times she would squeeze someone’s hands she was holding. The last 15 minutes before Hilda joined Jesus were very precious. Hilda opened her eyes and looked at me for a long time, then at Daniel and then Elaine. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She was squeezing our hands and trying to speak. I looked into her eyes from inches away as she peacefully took her last breath. I love her so much and always will, and look forward to seeing her again soon. “Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.” Now Jesus and Hilda are in Heaven, so that is where my heart is.
I am greatly missing Hilda, my best friend and favourite person in the world (aside from Jesus), but I know we will someday be together again.
Hilda’s “Celebration of Life” service will be held at Faith Church on Saturday, January 21 at 1:00 pm. There will be visitation at church with a closed casket from 12-12:45, just before the service. Light refreshments are planned after the service.
3849 KING ST E,
(519) 893-2720
A livestream of the Hilda’s Celebration of Life is being planned.
There will also be opportunity for visitation at
Barthel Funeral Home
566 Queenston Rd, Cambridge, ON N3H 3J8
on Friday, January 20, with times to be determined (probably 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm)
Everyone of you are welcome to attend for the service and visitation.
Love from Hilda and I to each of you. Thank you everyone who commented on my Facebook posts. Tears were running down my cheeks as I read the special messages you shared about your love for Hilda. I’m sure she is watching from Heaven, and looks forward to greeting each of you someday.
“This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God.” 1 John 4:9 MSG