You Were Made For Such a Time as This!

My great friend, Dan Sibley, posted this on Facebook today (Aug. 19, 2023). It is a great challenge for each of us who love God…

“If you stay silent during this time, deliverance for the Jews will come from somewhere, but you, my child, and all of your father’s family will die. And who knows? Perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this. Esther 4:14 (Voice)

Esther was strategically placed in the position of Queen by God. The king thought he chose her, but it was God who planned this out. Imagine if Esther refused to speak up or do anything out of fear for her life. God would have rescued the Jews another way but He would have left Esther and her family to be killed.

God has strategically placed you where you are. You may or may not yet know the reason why but there is a reason and purpose for you where you are. Through Jesus, God made a way for all to be saved. He will find a way for everyone to receive an opportunity to participate in His plan. You may be the opportunity for someone near you. Are you gonna keep quiet or do what God placed you there to do? Do you want the reward for doing what you were told to or are you ready for the consequences of not? Something to think about…”


Thanks Dan for challenging us. Here are a few more thoughts I (Harold) have on this…

Esther became queen of a foreign land, in order to be in the position that God wanted her to be. Her obedience and brave trust in God allowed many people, including her family, to be saved from destruction.

Imagine yourself – where you are today – being the one person God has placed in this unique location and time, whether as a queen, or more likely an ordinary person. You were created by God and He planned for you to impact the people around you.

You are so precious to God, and He loves you so much. And, He loves those He has placed around you, in your life. Before you were born, God knew where you would live and the impact your life would have.

Even if you have made some terrible life choices, or others have wronged you and knocked you down, Jesus can turn your life around. Jesus is the only one who can do that for you. That is why God sent His Son Jesus. Because He loves you! Offer your life, with your mess, with your challenges (mental, physical, spiritual, relational) and with your disappointments to Jesus. Ask Jesus to take over leading your life, and watch God work in your life to impact others for good.

Here is what Joseph, a young man who trusted God, but had been terribly treated by his family, was able to say to his family years later, after God used him to save his family, the country of Egypt and millions more around them…

“God turned into good what you meant for evil, for He brought me to this high position I have today so that I could save the lives of many people.” Genesis 10:20 (TLB)

God did it for Esther, He did it for Joseph, as they trusted in Him, and He can do it for you when you give control of your life to Jesus. Just surrender to His will and trust Him with your life. It gets exciting and there will be an eternal impact on many others, when you walk with God each day. 🙂

Let me pray for you here, and agree with me if you want to see God change your life and use you even more for His glory and to help others…

Lord God, right now, I surrender my life to Jesus. Forgive me my sins and for the bad choices I have made. I accept Jesus, God’s own Son, as my Saviour, and make Him my Lord. Fill me today with Your Holy Spirit, and help me to walk with You every day from now on. I pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, let me know in a comment.

Your friend,

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