Celebrating Adam’s Life


The Bible says, nobody can even imagine the wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love Him.

Adam is my good friend. He joined Jesus in Heaven a few days ago. We had some special times together along with other teens his age at Faith Church’s Junior Highs group. I’m looking forward to seeing Adam in Heaven someday, and spending more time with him. Here are a few memories of times with Adam.

On many occasions at Jr Highs, we had discussions about topics like, “Why is there Suffering in Our World” and “How Does Jesus Change Our Life”. During one discussion,“What is God Like,” Adam and his Jr High friends came up with a large list of God’s character qualities. They concluded that God is Loving, God is Kind, God is Holy, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, the Creator of the World and many more. Adam was a big part of these discussion times. I know Adam loves and trusts in Jesus.

Adam Made Summer Kids Camp Extra Special

During Summer Kids Camp in 2019, Adam was a junior counselor, helping watch over a group of kids, aged 6-10. He was so much fun to be around, and so great with the kids. Angel, another teen friend of Adam’s, was part of camp as well. She dressed in a very warm, furry bear costume and entertained the kids, playing hide and seek. They began to suspect it was Angel who was inside the bear outfit, so Adam had the idea to dress as the bear himself. The kids would see Angel hanging out with them, and wonder who was in the bear outfit. About 50 kids ended up chasing Adam around church. They eventually tackled him and pulled the bear head off to discover it was Adam. So much laughter and fun. Thinking about this still makes me smile.

That same camp, I drove a large school bus full of kids and volunteers from Kitchener to Brantford’s Twin Valley Zoo. It was about an hour drive on a very hot day. We discovered the bus had a sound system with a microphone. Adam and Pastor Devin began leading the kids in songs, telling jokes, and keeping the kids very entertained during the bus ride. It was hilarious. We did discover that singing was not Adam’s main talent. lol. Eventually the kids were begging Adam to stop singing, and stick with the jokes. Adam is so great with kids.

Adam’s School Essay Miracle

One very snowy winter evening, we had just finished our Wednesday night with the Junior Highs at Faith Church. It was a blizzard out there, and all roads connecting the church to Cambridge were closed due to accidents. This would have been about 8:15 pm. The other kids had been picked up, and our other leader, Mary Ann had left for home. Adam was in touch with Jane, his Mom, by phone. She could not come to pick him up, and I could not drive him home because of the road closures.

Adam had brought a tablet to Junior Highs with him. He had a major essay due at school the next day, and was only about a quarter of the way through it, perhaps about 3 pages out of 12. Adam was ready to give up on the assignment, and get a fail or a late at best. I suggested we pray, and ask God to help Adam get through this challenging paper. He was feeling the stress. So we prayed and for the next three hours, we sat together at a table in the church basement. Adam typing with amazing determination, and writing an excellent and long assignment in just a few hours. He was able to finish the paper early the next morning before school, and hand it in during class. Later Adam told me that he had earned a really great mark. We both knew that God had really helped him to think clearly through the stress. YAY GOD! WTG ADAM!

Jesus Cares About Our Needs

God uses our stumbling steps of faith, even our need for His help with a school essay. These situations open doors for us to discover what God can do for us, “more than we can ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20). When we decide to ask for God’s help with some immediate need, it’s like walking into a waiting room of His palace. To our astonishment, King Jesus comes to meet us, offering us a gift worthy of the King. Friendship with Him, the King of Glory. Jesus tells us that He cares about our needs, but has much more for us as well.

“Jesus tells us, ‘If you accept my friendship, you and I have years of joyous times ahead. I’ve so much to teach you. It’s going to take eternity to handle all of it.”

Have you ever realized your own helplessness. Perhaps the need isn’t finishing an important school essay. Maybe, like me, it’s caring for a sick family member, like my wife Hilda. Perhaps it’s not knowing how to help someone close to you who is suffering from mental illness. Or maybe it’s not seeing a breakthrough out of addiction you are struggling with. Maybe it’s feelings of inadequacy for the life God has given you. We all face challenges during our lives. God wants to see where we will go for help.

When we feel hemmed in, even out of control, God wants to show us that He is real, and more than willing and able to help us deal with our problems.

We All Need God’s Help

For me a feeling of helplessness occurred recently when I had to release my sweetheart, Hilda, into Jesus’ care in Heaven. The last night I spent with her in a hospice in Cambridge, it was just Hilda, Jesus and me. It was so hard, but so healing, to release her from this short stint on earth, into Jesus’ care, until we will be re-united to spend eternity together in Heaven.

When we admit our helplessness and ask God to help us, we discover God’s great love for us. Friendship with God comes through His Son, Jesus. Jesus gives our life real purpose, and He prepares us for our future life in eternity.

Adam is in Heaven with Jesus right now, and I believe that he would like to invite all of you to join him there. He is currently enjoying something far better that we can imagine, and it will last forever. Eternal life is a free gift to you, but there is a condition. The condition is that you believe in and receive Jesus as your Saviour. Jesus said that He was the only way to God in Heaven. Adam made that decision to believe in Jesus, and he is with Jesus in Heaven now.

For Adam’s Family, My Dear Friends…
Adam’s Mother Jane, Father Jason, Sister Emily and Brother Liam…

Jesus told a huge crowd of followers…
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

This blessing of the kingdom of heaven, is for the helpless ones, who turn to God for help.

Jesus spoke this promise to me, a few days after Hilda joined Him in Heaven. These are verses from the Bible in Hebrews 10:35-36…

“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great reward. For ye have need of patience, so that after ye have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:35)

So don’t lose your confidence in God’s promise that you will see Adam again. Be patient and do God’s will for your lives. Then you will be with Adam again, and you will enjoy eternal life in Heaven. That will be far better than you can imagine. God loves you all so much, dear Turchin family!

You know, I can imagine that Adam is entertaining a bunch of kids in Heaven right now. Maybe he’s showing them some skateboarding tricks. We miss you dear Adam, but we’ll see you again someday.

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