Psalm 92:1-2 (TLB)
This morning, as I read through one of Hilda’s many “Joy Journals” I was loving her entries and greatly cheered up, while missing her sooo much. I felt Hilda’s love coming pouring through her hand-written words, wrapping around me like her cozy prayer shawl.
Hilda Realized the Importance of Thanking God for His Blessings
Hilda was up to her 8th “Joy Journal” book, with well over 15,000 entries made over the course of over twenty years. Her Joy Journaling began when she was challenged to do so by blogger and author, Ann Voskamp. Ann’s challenge was for ladies (or guys) to record daily thanks to God for the many small, specific things that brought them “Joy” during their day. WOW! Am I ever being blessed to read these simple entries, made for several years. So many precious memories of times together. Hilda certainly is gifted by God to write and I’m sure is doing so now in Heaven.
Sometimes, as our day wound to a close and we settled in to bed, Hilda would share with me one or two of her journal entries that applied to us, just to thank me in person for something special that made her joyful that day.
Her Joy Journals were truly a way to thank God for specific daily gifts He gave to her. They varied greatly from spending time with a dear friend over cups of tea, to God’s answer to a financial need with an unexpected cheque in the mailbox, to time chatting with Daniel as they sat together on the couch about his day at school, or about holding hands with her darling husband while we heard birds sing, during a walk along a river trail.
I Admit It – I Am Smitten With Hilda!
In one entry she caught me watching her out of the corner of her eye. She asked what I was looking at, and later wrote, “Harold told me he was ‘smitten with me’ (very much in love with me)”. I watched her a lot of course. And she knew she was greatly loved and adored by me. Lots of beautiful, loving memories that gave her joy and she thanked God for them.
If you have never thought to begin a Joy Journal, especially if you like to journal, or keep a diary, I would strongly encourage it. Your spouse and family may treasure it down the road, and it will help you realize all of the wonderful daily blessings your loving Heavenly Father showers on you.

I love your website, Harold! Hilda’s entries remind me to be thankful in every circumstance and to see the joy even in the little things. The Lord is our greatest treasure! God bless you.
Yes, Elisa, Hilda taught me so much about the Lord, being thankful, and loving people like Jesus does. Yes, the Lord is our greatest treasure! Thanks for your encouragement. 🙂