Be a Willing Servant of God

Did you get your assignment from God yet? Did you know that God wants you to work with Him, to carry out His dream to save the world? God invites us to work with Him, and God needs you, just as you need God.

Jesus told us that we are part of what God wants to do in this world. He compared Himself to a vine, like a grape vine, which was planted in this world by His Father, God, who is the gardener. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving sap which flows through the vine and into its branches. Those who believe in Jesus are the branches.

If we stay connected to Jesus, our vine, the Holy Spirit will flow through us, and we will be healthy, growing and producing good fruit for God our gardener, and for His Kingdom in this world.

A couple of weeks ago our Pastor, Devin Ryckman, of Faith Church Kitchener, taught us about being servants of the Living God. We were challenged to be faithful servants, like branches who remain in constant contact with Jesus our vine. This results in good fruit which nourishes and blesses those around us. In that way we fulfill God’s purpose for our lives, which is to be in relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus, and to love and bless those He has placed in our circle of influence.

As we stay close to Jesus, we will be fruitful, without a lot of self-effort.

Branches in a vine do not try hard to produce good fruit. It just comes as a result of remaining connected. The Holy Spirit in our lives, gives us all that we need to grow and bear good fruit.

Pastor Devin spoke about Moses. God had a special purpose for his life, but Moses had objections.

Mary was a Willing Servant of God

God had a unique and special purpose for Mary, who became the Mother of Jesus. God has a purpose for your life too, Servant of God!

Mary was quick and willing to accept the news from God’s messenger, the Angel Gabriel. He told her that she would give birth to a son, and to name Him, Jesus, in a supernatural way through the Holy Spirit.

Mary’s prompt reply to Angel Gabriel was, “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants. May everything you said come true” (Luke 1:38 TLB). WOW! What a humble young lady, who must have had a close relationship with God.

Moses, however, was not at all eager to accept God’s assignment, which was to lead the Israelite people to freedom in the “promised land” from many years of slavery in Egypt.

Moses had several “mental obstacles” to God’s invitation.

It’s very interesting reading in Exodus chapters 3 and 4. Unlike Mary, who readily accepted God’s mission, Moses gave these objections, which God helped him work through:

1. “Who am I” that God could use me? Have you ever felt that way? I admit that I have. Moses saw himself as an old, introverted and forgotten shepherd, not a leader of people. But God said, “I will be with you!” God deliberately chose a poor, ordinary, unknown 80-year-old. So, like I have, you can’t necessarily use the excuse of age.

2. Moses told God, “I’m not an expert at knowing You or the Bible, and I’ve never gone to school to learn how to speak about You. God countered with these words, “Tell them ‘I AM’ has sent you!” God assured Moses that He would reveal more of Himself to Moses.

3. I’m not good with people, he felt, as Moses considered his introverted personality. . They won’t listen to me, let alone believe that I’m speaking for you, God. He had low self-esteem and doubts. So God promised to give Moses power with people. God empowered Moses’ shepherd staff to perform miracles and signs to confirm that God was with Moses. Today, the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us. Holy Spirit empowers us to do extraordinary things for God, and show those around us that we are God’s servants.

4. “Buuutttt… I’mmm… not… a… goooooodddd… speakerrrrr…” Moses next excuse (er, mental obstacle) was that after hollering at sheep for 40 years, he could not communicate with people, and he also stuttered. God promised Moses that He would provide him with the right words to say.

5. Finally, Moses gave God one more excuse, “I Don’t Want To! Please Send Someone Else!” Moses probably thought God would let him off the hook of this challenging task with such an excuse. This is when God encouraged Moses, by telling him, his brother Aaron, was already on his way to meet him and to help him.

Whether it’s self-will or laziness, fear or doubts – God does give us a choice. We have free will. But, remember that if God is for us, who can be against us” (you can find that verse in Romans 8:31).

If Moses had said, “No” to God, we would never have read about him or heard of him. But God “stooped down” to help Moses.

God “stoops down” to help us through our obstacles.

I personally have not written many blog posts on recently, and wondered if I was still able to write and share encouraging words from the Lord for you my reader. God encourages us and tells us He will be with us and help us.

This verse from Joshua 1:9 has been a word from God to continue to share, paint, teach kids, help friends and family, etc., even when I don’t feel up to the task.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

God wants you to know that He says, “I am enough for you.” Be a fruitful branch by staying close to my Son, Jesus, who is the vine. Be a willing servant, like Mary was.

Just as God reassured Moses, He says to us, “I will be with you,” “I will reveal myself to you,” “I will give you power through my Holy Spirit,” “I will give you the words to say,” and “I will even help you want to serve me.”

Say “Yes” to God. He will be enough for any assignment He gives you.

Your friend,

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