Can We Bring Heaven to Earth?

Part 1 of many…

The Story of Bungoma Children For Jesus

Can you imagine going to the store for groceries, and watching 2000 kids singing, dancing and marching through the streets of your city carrying banners saying “This City Belongs to Jesus?” This is what happened in Bungoma, Kenya in 2002.

Heaven “opened up” and God’s presence touched the city. Could this happen in Waterloo Region where I live? I believe it can.

Hospitals, prisons, businesses, churches and schools were all changing. God was using his children to bring Heaven to Earth. God can use you and me to do this in our communities.

How Did This Happen in Bungoma?

Many pastors in Bungoma did not think God could use children in any significant way. They thought children should wait until they grew up to get saved and be used by God to help people and share His message to the poor, sick, hurting and needy. But the Lord wanted church leaders to see and treat children as valuable treasures. He wanted the children to be raised up in His “presence, love and power.” God wants to use us in a mighty way too, to share His love with power to others.

Children gathered from churches, orphanages and the streets of Bungoma to join leaders. The leaders helped them receive the Father’s love. Many of them had never experienced such beautiful love before. They believed His Word, which the leaders shared with them. They began to move in God’s power as the Holy Spirit came upon them, and many miracles happened. One of the leaders, Jennifer Toledo, pictured below with some of the girls, was in her early 20’s when she experienced Heaven coming down to Earth in Bungoma upon the children and those they impacted.

One group of kids went to a hospital in Bungoma. The leaders told the children to “listen to the Lord and obey what Jesus said to do.” The people in the hospital were sad, hurting and sick. They were not really happy to see the children.

As the children prayed and asked God to tell them what to do, one of the boys said, “I feel like God wants me to sing.” As he raised his hands and sang a worship song, God’s presence filled the large hospital room. Sick people were suddenly touched by God. They became hungry in their hearts for God. They began to cry, and asked the children to help them receive Jesus. It was an awesome day!

After this the children wanted to do even more with God. They didn’t want to wait to grow up. God could use them right now! I believe God wants to use us right now too!

Praying for their City

The children started to pray to God for their city, knowing that God loved the people in their city. We can pray for the cities we live in. For me that includes the cities of Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge, and cities nearby like Guelph and Brantford.

Many people were led to the Lord in Bungoma, and were healed in their bodies. We can pray for our communities, and ask God to show us what He wants to do, and listen as He speaks to us about what He wants us to do. God’s Holy Spirit will empower us to do what Jesus did while He was here on Earth. The children of Bungoma did just that. Lord Jesus, speak to me and help me hear what you are saying and wanting me to do today. Help me, Holy Spirit, as I step out, be bold, obey You, and share God’s love and power, trusting that You are leading me.

This is Part 1 of possibly many, as I invite you to join on a journey with God. It will be an exciting adventure that will continue for the rest of your life.

Your friend,


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